31 December 2004


So here we are, 2005. I have made my resolutions - less junk food, more meditation, being nicer to people, trying to enjoy my job more - etc. etc. I do this every year, and every year I fail. Still, hope springs eternal. We went to the Irish Club last night. Not too crowded, pretty low key. Not my scene, not my type of people. But it was fun. had three beers that made me feel nauseous and sick. danced a bit, but I was in a reflective mood, so I was happy to just sit and watch. Some beautiful thin women dancing really expressively. Dream on. The we came back home and watched music videos on cable until two, then to bed. Today I woke up decidedly sleazy. Can't drink anymore without consequences. Decided to go cycling. I have a road bike but I haven't cycled for almost a year. My seat has been very uncomfortable, so I replaced the saddle and adjusted it, and it was really comfortable today. A great ride, south along the Tuggeranong bike-paths. Canberra has some of the world's best bike paths, and scenery to match. At 15km I went up a hill and that fucked me. Big time. Then I turned for home and hit a headwind of varying intensity. I struggled, but my competitive side came out and I pushed into it. pretty fucked by the end. 31km, not bad for a 12 month break. I am fitter than I thought. had to have a nap after that. How was your New years day? broken any resolutions yet?


I love the trees on the hills behing where I live. So majestic. Eucaplypts. They were all damaged in the fires, but many have survived and are recovering well.


The hill adjacent to my home. The colours are magnificent. This hill burned in the 2003 bushfire, nearly taking my house with it!


I love kangaroos. There are dozens on the hill behind my Canberra home.

My serenity

The bush near where I live. Isn't it beautiful?

The road behind my house

Me as a teenager

This was taken in 1977 with my then girlfriend. I was 18 and about to do two years national service in the apartheid army. I still have my hair, but it is cut much shorter now. My leather jacket hasn't survived. I gave it away when I became a vegetarian

30 December 2004

New year's resolution

A bit early, I know, but I will try and do more blogging in the new year. A new start, a new beginning, a new opportunity ... to repeat the same old mistakes? God I hope not. This coming year could be a good one, or it could be awful. A relationship breakup, always an opportunity for another one - I am an incurable romantic and optimist - a job going nowhere that hopefully I will move on from. watch this space!