I am an Australian male, in my 40s. Contented, reflective, curious about life and ready to muse about it. Enjoy
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Light of the world?
posted by Zhen @ Saturday, July 09, 2005 0 comments
A closer view. What a magnificent building. Don't get me wrong, I love modern buildings, especially skyscrapers, but they can't compare with this
A grand building in Leiverpool, England
Kangaroo Paw flower, Perth Australia
Flower, taken in Perth
Peaceful scene mear Tumut, NSW
And this was Angela!
Any Angela's out there? I had a girlfriend called Angela at the time and that is why I took it. She loved it. The girlfriend is long gone, but the sign is still there in Randwick, Sydney
My nephew and my daugher back in 1991. How cute was he?
Surf's up at Coogee beach
Choppy seas off Coogee Beach, Sydney