14 January 2005
Home again
Here I am back in Canberra after a trip to Sydney. So good to be home amongst the peace and quiet, even if it is 36 degrees centigrade as I write. Sydney is just to big, too busy, too noisy and too polluted. The hotel was good, but I was too busy to enjoy it. Work in the day and family at night. Meetings and inspections of registered education providers. Some interesting, most depressing. there are some real sharks out there, happy to make a buck at someone else's expense. But we also met some wonderful people who have the best interests of the student at heart. In the evenings off to Randwick to my parent's apartment to visit them. Need to see my father as often as posisble as he has Alzheimers and won't be able to recognise me much longer. My brother is over from Johannesburg to say goodbye to our dad, so it was great to catch up with him as well. had coffee with my step-daughter and caught up with my precious daughter, in Sydney for a few days before she goes to Laos for holidays. She has moved all her stuff back home, left her share house and will reassess her future on her return. I am now copying all her music onto the computer, and also finding lots of my music among them. Much I haven't heard before, even though we have similar tastes. Listening to Sister Hazel at the moment (all for you). And now I am copying Outkast. I have 1900 songs on the compuer and i will probably get at least that number agin by the time I am finished.
Back at work
Well here I am back at work. I have been back for a week. It has not been as bad as I thought it would. I have been busy, which keeps me out of mischief, and I have been preparing for a work visit to Sydney on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Always good to travel, it helps break up the routine. A friend of mine from my cairns days visited us this past weekend. She now lives in Newcastle and has a two year old son. She had a great time. We took her to the National Gallery and parliament house and wined and dined her (Indian and Thai). The National Gallery was fascinating as she is an aspiring painter so it was good to get her perspective. I took lots of photos. Marion is a graphic artist and loves my photos. She thinks they are pretty good. I will put a few up on this blog in coming days and you can judge for yourself.